NEW: Ernie's heritage: "WANTED" - The final CD with unpublished songs of Ernie Oldfield!
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> My honey needs no money (MP3) - Ernie Oldfield


61 x Internet Gold

Great Success to ERNIE OLDFIELD
"Say Hello" has reached 4 million Klicks "Bread and Beans" climb to the first Million
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Ernie's Remembrance of his Childhood Days
Gary Cooper's Influence on Ernie Oldfield
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Final Dance at the Line Dance Convention 2011 in Salzburg/Austria:
Jacky Joker by Ernie Oldfield
Ernie Oldfield on air

Pablo Bisquera
Slide Show Creator
"Thank you very much, the pleasure is mine!"

Noel Parry
Radio Southland
> www.radiosouthland.co.nz
"I have pleasure in advising the arrival of Ernies new CD , and of it‘s coming airplay. Regards Noel Parry"

Andy Williams
"Team Wir, I have to say thank you so much for this opportunity. Though I consider myself above average with all the talent in the linedance world presently. It is a very AWESOME feeling to see my name associated with an Artist like Ernie Oldfield (with what I’ve read about him) and see my dances put on a company’s web site like yours and the artists website as well. I look forward to working with you a lot more. Thank you so much and who knows maybe some of us may meet on the dance floor somewhere. Andy Williams "

Peter Hills & Philippe
Radio Waves International
> pirateradionetwork.com
"Dear WIR Records! Thanks a lot for your new release. Here is a preview of next issue of RWNews: ERNIE OLDFIELD is back with a new Album: MY GUITAR AND ME - "Pay me the way", "My Guitar and me", "Bread and Beans (live)". With love, peace and good music, Peter Hills & Philippe "

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